Most of us are familiar with Harry Potter series of books/movies and they are one of the most popular fiction choices till date. From children to adolescents to adults and even people in their 60s & 70s, everybody has enjoyed them. Such a great work from J K Rowling during her worst days ( will discuss that later ).

One major concept of the whole series is how the supposed antagonist, you-know-who, creates 7 Horcruxes for a desire to be immortal. But, what is a horcrux exactly?



Part of your soul which you keep somewhere else, in humans or objects. Voldemort’s motive for it was to save himself from dying as even when he is killed, his soul wouldn’t leave the world. Very intelligent I’d say. But that was fiction. What about real life? Are they real too?


They are real.

Horcruxes are not just fiction. I believe every one of us is capable of creating Horcruxes and the basis according to me is love. Let me explain how.

When we love someone, little parts of our soul reside in them and vice versa. And as we go through life loving many people, a number of Horcruxes are thereby created. Interesting, right?

I find that one of the most popular tips “Love is selfless” is somewhat true. As one loses at least a little of oneself. It doesn’t mean that we’re now “Less”, it just means we are now more than capable of accepting someone else’s Horcrux. So basically, when we go through love, our Horcruxes are transferred to each other. But what about multiple love encounters?


Exchanging Horcruxes

When we export our Horcruxes and import someone else’s, we go through a change, a transformation rather, till the core. As we go on to love more people, we side by side create a number of Horcruxes. I think our personality changes and horcrux relocation are very much related. This combination of various energies inside us due to the horcrux substitution shapes our personalities. And in this case, the more we change the better. Does that mean we’ll eventually no longer be ourselves? Yes and No.


More Empathy

As we let many Horcruxes reside in ourselves, we get a deeper understanding of their original possessors. In my view, this expands our views and makes us more empathetic. Also, makes us more accepting of radically different viewpoints. Long term wisdom can also be a result of this soul sharing. I myself find it very convincing that each of us is connected to others at the deepest level through secondary, tertiary or quaternary horcruxes.


I’ve resonated with this concept a lot and would like to know your views.

Drop in your comments unhesitatingly and keep the shares coming. Thanks.


10 Replies to “Real Life Horcrux

  1. I was thinking something similar, real life horcruxes are related to love, sex, or babies. Then I googled “real life horcrux” and found your article; your thoughts were similar.

  2. Wow! It’s a metaphor I use regularly to explain how people leave parts of them living in my psyche even when they are no more a part of my life. I’m shocked about the similarity of our thought process. I love your flow of words! <3

    1. I bet we will find more similarities as we move along (you know why). And thank you for your kind words, I do my best to write! 🙂

  3. I am so glad I stumbled on this today !!
    It explains so much and I felt it to my core as I read your words.
    I wish more people understood how when you truly love, you actually give that love to the other and if they don’t recieve, (perhaps unfortunately they don’t want it) I believe it is contained in them but no longer within you either. That I believe is why we empathy often feel “lost” most of our lives 💔

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